Sports, Clubs & Societies

Sports Clubs

Clubs & Societies

  • Handbell Ringers

    The Church of St Mary the Virgin, Cropredy handbell team was formed in 2006. The village had possessed a set of bells since 1927 when they were acquired by public subscription for £5.

    It is thought that the bells, numbering 25 in all, were made in the 19th century and had been languishing in a box for over 50 years until, in 2006, the vicar raised awareness of their existence and formed a group of complete novices. A team of six interested villagers were tutored by an expert from a neighbouring village and now consists of 10 members.

    The bells were made by Taylors of Loughborough and have been augmented by two further bells from the Whitechapel Foundry so we now have two complete octaves in the key of G. Members customarily ring with a bell in each hand though some of us will play with two in each hand if the music so demands.

    We use number notation so it is not necessary to be able to read conventional music. We play mainly for our own pleasure, at church festival services and occasionally for various institutions in the area.

    According to the Whitechapel Bell Foundry website, handbell ringing began in England about 300 years ago. Musical handbells, tuned in sets, were introduced in the late 17th century and became popular among tower bell ringers for practising change ringing and eventually for playing simple tunes. Eventually, tune playing went into decline but experienced a worldwide revival in the 20th century.

    Peter Bottomley: 01295 758913

    Michael McLoughlin: 01295 750918

  • Film Society

    The Cropredy Film Society was inaugurated in Spring 2007 and currently has a membership of around 200. New members are always welcome and you do not need to live in the village to join.​

    Membership is required so that the society can operate under the appropriate licensing agreements.

    Life membership costs £10

    Concessionary fee for Over-60s of £8

    Screenings are held in Cropredy Village Hall.

    Evening screenings include supper, and tickets for members cost £8 per person.

    Members may bring a maximum of 2 guests, paying £10 per guest ticket.

    We have two film seasons per year, Spring and Autumn, and occasional other screenings.

    • All seats must be booked and paid for in advance

    • We are not permitted by the film licensing terms to sell tickets on the door.

    ​To join, please fill in the application form and forward it (plus subscription fee) to the Society’s Secretary:

    Frances Whitaker, The Barn, Kyetts Corner, Cropredy, OX17 1JW

    Cheques should be made payable to:

    Cropredy Film Society

    Contact details:

    01295 758448

    Committee members will be happy to answer any queries:

    Brenda Day, Sarah Girdlestone, Janet Green, Ray Moss, Mary Richardson, Mel Robins, Verna Wass and Frances Whitaker

  • Cropredy WI

    Cropredy Women's Institute meet on the second Tuesday of every month (with the exception of August) in Cropredy Village Hall at 7.20 pm.

    We are a lively, friendly group that was established in 1925.

    ​Visitors are very welcome! We would love to see you there.

    For further details please contact:

    Brenda Day (President) 01295 758782

    Frances Whitaker (Secretary) 01295 758448

    Cropredy WI – What we do

    Learn about varied topics from GM Crops to Belly Dancing.

    Learn new skills through Craft Activities and Workshops. Campaign on Important Issues, e.g., Recognising symptoms of ovarian cancer, Stopping modern slavery, Climate Change.

    Collect items for recycling or reuse, e.g. jewellery, spectacles, CDs, videos

    • Visit the theatre

    • Visit museums and galleries

    • Eat cake!

    • Make friends and have fun.

    What we used to do

    1925: We learnt about bottling, chair caning, a treasure hunt at Prescote, folk dancing, a concert party and listening to gramophone records that year.

    1926: The question was raised what is being done with the rubbish in Cropredy? Entry fees for the tennis tournament were 5/- per couple

    1928: Miss Grace Hadow came to speak – active in the suffragette movement and the person who suggested Jerusalem should also be adopted by the WI as well. GWR refused the request for a bridge over the railway line at the station. Material was collected for a book of the village. Activities included a trip to Cheltenham, pastry making, a bright and instructive session on millinery, and the slaughter, plucking and dressing a fowl – this not once, but twice! Miss Bell (who worked at Hammonds poultry farm) impressed fellow members with her speed and skill.

    1929: A return visit from Grace Hadow was one of the highlights of the year. Political activist, WI founding member, academic and mountaineer!

    1930: The charge for tea at meetings was raised from one penny to 2d. Nurse Pate gave a talk on hot fomentations and making linseed poultices.

    1931: Buy British campaign endorsed

    1933: Parcels were distributed to old people in the village at Christmas.

    1935: Members agreed to serve children’s tea on Jubilee Day, May 6

    1938: A lady air raid warden was chosen, and members learnt about ARP work and what to do in an air raid.

    1939 340 eggs were collected in Cropredy for Egg Week. Members wrote to the bus company asking for a bus shelter. Milk was distributed to children during the summer holidays. 12/6d was donated towards the cost of blackout material for the Hall. Members were asked to bring their ration books to be stamped for preserving sugar needed for jam making. Conditions in villages as a consequence of evacuee children arriving led to an urgent request to connect mains water to houses

  • Gardening Club

    Cropredy Gardening Club is a thriving and friendly society with members from Cropredy and the surrounding area.

    Members range from those with a passionate interest in gardening and allotment growing, to those who enjoy visiting gardens and coming to listen to our varied and interesting speakers.

    ​We meet monthly, usually on the second Wednesday of the month, though this sometimes varies and we occasionally organise visits at weekends. Our programme includes speakers, workshops, garden visits and coach trips to places further afield.

    The highlight of our year is the Annual Flower, Vegetable and Craft Show which is an integral part of village life and takes place in the Village Hall in July or August. This is well-supported by the village and includes classes for adults and children including flowers, fruit and vegetables, cookery and crafts.

    Membership runs from March for 12 months and currently costs £8 per person.

    For this, you receive a 10% discount at 3 local nurseries and free entry to meetings when we have a speaker, which is usually in the winter months.

    We always welcome new members.

    ​If you are interested in joining us please contact

    Carol Batema- 01295 750603

  • Welfare Trust

    Cropredy Welfare Trust is a group of Cropredy Charities dating back to the Sixteenth Century.

    The objective of the Trust is to grant financial support to Cropredy residents who are in conditions of extreme need, hardship or distress.

    Applications are invited from Cropredy residents who believe they may satisfy the above criteria and their needs are not covered by other grants or benefits.

    Applications to:

    The Trust meets annually to review administration needs and is bound by strict Charitable Trust Status rules.

  • Cropredy Lunches

    2nd and 4th Monday of the month at 12:30 pm

    Valerie Peachey

    01295 750739


  • Cluster Club

    For companionship and respite

    Meets on Tuesdays at the Sports Pavilion.

    Amada Thomas (07807 073268)

  • FIRS (Over 60's Club)

    Over 60’s Club meets on alternate Wednesdays

    Margaret Boscott

    01295 750440

  • Bell Ringers

    Stephen Day

    01295 758782

  • Historical Society

    Frances Whitaker

    01295 758448

  • Exercise Group

    Debbie Young


  • The Harlequins

    Amateur Dramatics

    Caroline Watsham

    01295 750442


  • Short Matt Bowls

    Sheena Dunn

    01295 758435

  • Cropredy Jazz

  • Royal British Legion